Banners by Philip Cote
We are pleased to announce the launch of our new hydro pole banners! These were beautifully designed by Philip Cote (Artist, Activist, Historian and Traditional Wisdom Keeper). Below you will find Philip's artist statement and a feedback form. We would love to hear what you think about these banners.
Artist Statement
The Concept is design in Woodland Style Art
The Seven Grandfather Teachings:
Humility Dbaa-den-diziwin Wolf Center-Human Violet
Bravery Aak-wa’ode’-ewin Bear North Red
Honesty Gwek-waad-ziwin Raven Sky Blue
Wisdom Nb-waa-kaa-win Beaver Earth Green
Truth Deb-wewin Turtle East Yellow
Respect Mnaa-den-di-mowin Buffalo West Black
Love Zaa-gid-win Eagle South White
The 7 Grandfathers Teachings in the Ojibway/Anishinaabe culture have been traditionally passed down from the ancestors, from generation to generation through oral stories and ceremonies.
Historically this knowledge have been shared by the Elders that carry on the stories and traditions to the youth Until the present day these oral traditions are still being shared by the Elders in both to Urban Indigenous communities and Reserve communities and have proven that The Seven Grandfather teachings are a foundation for living a full and healthy life.
These teachings of the Indigenous Peoples encompass the morals, values, community structures, ceremonial practices, and spiritual beliefs of the group. They are teaching tools that also ensured the survival of the people and they share the same concepts of abiding by a moral respect for all living things.
We want your thoughts on our new banners!
Please complete the form and let us know how this project made you feel, if you'd like to see more work like this and any other thoughts about our new banners!
This project was funded by
FedDev of Southern Ontario
Visit Philip Cote's Website